
Is There a Hell? | Billy Graham Classic Sermon:

Is There a Hell? | Billy Graham Classic Sermon: - Video From -

Hello Readers I have attached a video by a well-known evangelist, Billy Graham. I saw him once at a live crusade. The sermon presented that day was so dynamic, hundredths of people came forward to accept Jesus Christ as their Saviour. Surely the Holy Spirt that day was speaking through Billy Graham. In the attached video Billy Graham says I don't like to preach on hell, but I am commanded in scripture to do so.  Readers please take a few minutes out of your busy day to view the video below. It will fill your day with God's blessings. 

Genesis Page/ The Living God, Is Not Dead! /A video about one of God's creations, a double tree on earth.


A Morning Heaven


Amazing Evidence For God – Scientific Evidence For God/ From/ …

This is a very clear understandable video for the God seeker beginning his or hers search for God the creator of everything.  Readers/Seekers: Take a one hour out of your very busy day to view this attached video. The father God you are seeking will not disappoint you. At the least you will gain many hours of food for thought.  God Bless you all. 

Picture I Took With My Smart Phone. My Vision Of What You Might See Before Jesus Christ Comes Back!

The almighty God has given me, a very old lady the power to create my own blog and a video on YouTube. This was only possible though the great power of God, the creator of everything. The photo below was taken with my smart phone. When I saw it, my first thought was this could be what all of us might see before Jesus Christ returns to our world. Check it out on YouTube. Click on the video below, it will bring you to my YouTube Video. Don't be concerned about time. It is a very short video. God bless all readers. Bye for now!

Jesus Walks into This Atheist's Hospital Room And… How He Found God.

  Hello Readers, See Attached Video Please take a few minutes in your busy day to discover all the reasons to believe in God and his son Jesus Christ. God and only God is the true creator of the world! Look very carefully around you and see all his creations.  You may think this video does not contain anything for you, but it   does contain a man's amazing journey to Jesus Christ our Saviour. Those few minutes you use to watch this video will not be in vain . Go ahead, give a try. It will add so much to your life. Bye now and God bless!

Most beautiful butterflies in the world 2020 - - 1 Tim' 4:4 For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with gratitude.


Why did Jesus Choose Judas to be a Disciple? Hard Questions:- Video from

The scriptures prophesied Jesus Christ would be betrayed and crucified.  Judas for his own reasons became that person. Consider this: Luke 22: 3-4 Then Satan entered into Judas called Iscariot, who was one of the numbers of the twelve disciples. He went away and conferred with the chief priests and officers how he might betray him to them . This could be part of the process that led to Jesus's death on the cross, but God is the only one who knows the whole truth.  Jesus before his portrayal seemed to know Judas was the one. Surly God the father of Jesus Christ using his voice the holy spirit kept him informed every step he took.  Jesus volunteered to pay the price that a righteous God required for the sins of the world. This was a free gift from God to the whole of creation. Just believe , and eternal life in God's heaven is yours. Goodbye Readers and God Bless!   The attached video gives many other reasons why Jesus chose Judas for one o...

10 Most Beautiful Butterflies on Planet Earth; Video Shared From - - Question; How can you not think these butterflies are not God Created???


The life of Monarch Butterfly By: Dominique Lalonde Films Nature/ In my opinion: The attached video was a gift from God to the person who created it. / Verse: Hebrews 3:4 For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything!


James Tour | Genius Inventor Discovers His Messiah! Video Shared From

  Hello Readers, See Attached Video Please take a few minutes in your busy day to discover all the reasons to believe in God and his son Jesus Christ. God and only God is the true creator of the world! Look very carefully around you and see all his creations.  The time you spend watching this video will not be in vain. The man in this video is a very soft-spoken, confident man. Watching him, you can see he is led by the Holy Spirit, God's voice in the world. I am sure God will bless your day. 

What are the proofs for the resurrection of Jesus? Shared Video From:

  Hello Readers The attached video is from Dr. Theodore Cabel. Serves as professor of philosophy, and religion in The School of Theology. His research interests focus on philosophy of religion, faith, science, and apologetics. Apologetics defined as the defense of the Christian faith. Reasoned arguments or writings in justification of something, typically a theory or religious doctrine. This video contains historical proof or evidence that Jesus Christ rose from the dead . Jesus Christ was the son of God. Sent by a righteous God to redeem a sinful world. The only acceptable price was the death of Jesus Christ. Who rose from the dead after three days. His death redeemed us and gave all creation an unmerited gift of eternal life in God's kingdom. All that is necessary from us is to believe. Please take a small amount of time out of your busy day to view the video. It will give you blessings from God.

You can sin against the Holy Spirit. Shared Video From: - You Can Grieve The Holy Spirit. Ephesians 4:29 (NIV) Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

Hello Readers Attached is a video by a gifted preacher Billy Graham. He was an evangelist for more than fifty years. Respected by presidents and dignitaries all over the world.    I am sure if you view this video, It will not grieve the Holy Spirit. Take one, two clicks and there you are in the midst of God's truth of creation.  

Why This Atheist Scientist Became a Believing Christian. Shared Video From:


Evidence for the Shroud of Christ! Resurrection 2021: Shared Video From YouTube Jesus Is Lord Games. This video is amazing investigation of a historical Shroud over twenty-three years . Innumerable scientist's were asked to participate.


The Bible And Science: Harold Salem/ Pastor - Shared Video From

Hello Readers The attached video is a sermon from Harold Salem. A pastor for over seventy years. He was born near Belle Fourche, South Dakota. At the age of ten years old Harold committed his life to Jesus Christ our Saviour.  Please take small amount time out of your busy day to view the video. God will bless your day.  Psalm 8:1-9  O Lord, our Lord. Your greatness is seen in all the world! Your praise reaches up to the heavens; It is sung by children and babies. You are safe and secure from all your enemies; you stop anyone who opposes you. When I look at the sky, which you have made, at the moon and the stars, which you set in their places - what is man, that you think of him; mere man, that you care for him? Yet you made him inferior only to yourself, you crowned him with glory and honor. You appointed him ruler over everything you made; you placed him over all creation: sheep and cattle, and the wild animals too; the birds and the fish and the creatures in ...

The Bible And Archaeology - Harold Salem/Pastor -

Hello Readers/Bloggers Concerning the attached video: I have titled my address to you. Archaeology proves the inspired word of  God.   They have found  sites  written about in the Bible thousands of  years ago. Which verifies the truth of God's word. It's amazing how God guides the steps to the truths of his word.  As it says in the Bible. I Corinthians 13:12 What we see now is like a dim image in a mirror; then we shall see face-to-face. What I know is only partial; then it will be complete as God's knowledge of me. Please view the attached video by pastor Harold Salem. He was a messenger from God, inspired by his voice the Holy Spirt. Your viewing will not be in vain!  

Make Your Peace With God | Billy Graham Classic - Video From -

  Hello Readers I have attached a video containing a sermon from Billy Graham. He was well-known evangelist for fifty years. He met with presidents, and dignitaries all over the world. Hundreds of people came to know Jesus Christ at his crusades.  Please view this inspired video. It contains free information about God. So many things in the material world are not free of charge. They cost as they say (an arm and leg). I know you are saying my time is not free. I am so busy I can't spare another minute. Take a chance and view this video. It is inspired by God.